A few notes regarding the upcoming holiday period:
If you are going to be needing a repeat prescription over the holiday period, please contact us now. We are happy to request the script and have it held at your pharmacy for collection when due.
Casebrook Surgery will be closed all Public and Statutory Holidays. On the days we are open we will have reduced staff and will only be able to see acute patients. If you have an urgent medical issue over this time, please feel free to contact us.
Practice Plus will also be available over the holidays for Virtual Doctor’s appointments. Visit the Casebrook Surgery website in the “After Hours” section to register and book a video consult.
We are currently experiencing longer than normal wait times for appointments, if you are going to need an appointment in the near future, please contact us now. If you have booked an appointment and it is no longer required, please contact us to cancel.
Opening hours will be as follows:
Fri 23rd Dec: Open 9am-5pm
Sat 24th Dec – Tues 27th Dec: Closed
Wed 28th Dec – Fri 30th Dec: Open 9am- 5pm
Sat 31st Dec- Tues 3rd Jan: Closed
Wed 4th Jan: Resume normal working hours
Thank you all for your support this year and have a happy and safe holiday!
The Casebrook Surgery Team
Christmas is coming! Important Information